Owen Harris Maynord
Born July 26, 2011
11:40 AM
6 pounds 1 ounce
19 3/4 inches long
Robin & I drove to Cookeville last night to see this precious little boy named Owen; Caitlin and Brandon were so excited, and were doing GREAT with him. Of course, Grandma Paulette couldn't put him down. She was able to pull away from him for just a few minutes so Robin and I could hold him. I haven't held a baby in over 20 years I think; he was so little, and made all these faces. Thank goodness Paulette was sitting next to me, because at any moment I thought he was going to start crying. He didn't cry though!
I got to see the nursery, and Brandon & Caitlin's house. It was so beautiful! Clothes and more clothes for Owen; I hope he gets to wear them all. Robin and I took them a "Snowball" plant with a blue bloom; I just had to get that plant, Paulette always corrects me on the name. It's really a "Hydrangea" plant. Poor Paulette; does she know that I just like to harass her? Maybe? The sweetest gift that I saw (besides Owen) was a ruby/diamond ring that Brandon had gotten Caitlin; it was a push gift, and the ruby is Owens birth stone. The diamonds are Brandon's birthstone! Two for one; it's so sweet that Brandon thought of that, and it was completely beautiful. Paulette and John raised an amazing son; I have no doubt that Caitlin and Brandon will raise an amazing son!
Congratulations Maynord Family!
Robin & I drove to Cookeville last night to see this precious little boy named Owen; Caitlin and Brandon were so excited, and were doing GREAT with him. Of course, Grandma Paulette couldn't put him down. She was able to pull away from him for just a few minutes so Robin and I could hold him. I haven't held a baby in over 20 years I think; he was so little, and made all these faces. Thank goodness Paulette was sitting next to me, because at any moment I thought he was going to start crying. He didn't cry though!
I got to see the nursery, and Brandon & Caitlin's house. It was so beautiful! Clothes and more clothes for Owen; I hope he gets to wear them all. Robin and I took them a "Snowball" plant with a blue bloom; I just had to get that plant, Paulette always corrects me on the name. It's really a "Hydrangea" plant. Poor Paulette; does she know that I just like to harass her? Maybe? The sweetest gift that I saw (besides Owen) was a ruby/diamond ring that Brandon had gotten Caitlin; it was a push gift, and the ruby is Owens birth stone. The diamonds are Brandon's birthstone! Two for one; it's so sweet that Brandon thought of that, and it was completely beautiful. Paulette and John raised an amazing son; I have no doubt that Caitlin and Brandon will raise an amazing son!
Congratulations Maynord Family!