Last Sunday morning I woke up ready to get all the projects that I needed to get done off my "To Do" list; I was fortunate enough to get grocery shopping done, and then around 1:30 p.m. I got a text. The text said "Danny had a heart attack this morning and that he was at Centennial Hospital awaiting surgery tomorrow. "
I've known Danny as long as I've worked at my current job (Twelve Years); he's always picked on me, watched out for me, and just made me laugh. He even drove to KY to give me a hug at the funeral home before my Mom was buried last December. He's pretty special, but I didn't know how much he meant to me until I got that text. My first response was to call the person who sent it to me, and find out how bad the situation was. I was able to call that person in between crying, but they didn't have any additional information.
I just couldn't stay at the house when I didn't know how he was; so, I jumped up and drove to the hospital. I got confused in the hospital trying to find his room; a nurse walked me all the way to his room, I must have looked pitiful. There he was laying flat; he was pale with all these tubes and blood, and I just knew it was bad. He did wake up and say my name; he was trying to explain what happened to him when the surgeon's nurse came in to ask him questions about what had happened. I knew the shock of seeing him that way so sudden made me feel faint; I had to get out of that room before I passed out, so I slipped out while the nurse was talking to him. I barely made it to the waiting room, but I did calm myself down and I was OK. Of course, Danny sends his sisters/family to find me.
My good friend Danny Sue (He calls me Penny Lou.) made it through surgery; he has a long way to go, and some life changing decisions. I know he can do it; he has so many people behind him, especially his family and friends. He called me on the phone today to tell me that he had been moved to a regular room, and to let everyone know. That's exactly what I did, but I was so excited to hear his voice, it took me a little while to get the word out.
This year, this week has been rough for me, and many others. You don't realize how much some people mean to you. I didn't think when I got that text; I just was determined that I was going to find out how he was, so I could deal with it. I laugh now thinking back that I held Danny's hand all the time that I saw him that first time, kissed him on the cheek, and told him that I loved him. I can't believe I did that, but I guess you don't know what you will do in those situations.
Danny is such a "GREAT" friend; I have so many more great friends, and thank you for being my friend. Just don't scare me like Danny did, you don't know what I may do.
Love you all!