Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cinderella Story Told Through Puppets

The stage is set; this is the outside of the house where Cinderella, her Step Mother, and her two Step Sister's live. Doesn't it look like a normal, happy family house? It was before Cinderella's father pasted away, and she was left to be brought up by her Step Mother. Her Step Mother had two children of her own, and Cinderella was made to due all the chores of the house.

The Story Teller should set the scene for the next occasion; he tells it much better than I. Story Teller: An invitation arrived one day that invited the whole household to the ball, and the Prince would be there looking for his Princess.

The Step Mother was so excited that her two daughters were going to be able to go to the ball; there was so much to do, and Cinderella would have to help.

Oh Cinderella wanted to attend the ball just as bad as her two ugly Step Sister's, but her mean Step Mother wanted no part of that. She told Cinderella that she could only go if all her chores were done. It would be almost impossible for her to get all her chores done in time.

After her Step Sisters and Mother had left for the ball, a Fairy God Mother appeared to Cinderella. She helped her finish all her chores, and magically a dress and a pair of glass slippers appeared. It was the prettiest dress Cinderella had ever seen.

How would Cinderella get to the ball? Of course by horses and a carriage! Cinderella's Fairy God Mother turned some mice into horses, and a pumpkin into a carriage.

The Prince was intrigued by Cinderella's beauty, they danced until the clock struck midnight, and then Cinderella ran out of the ball room. Her Fairy God Mother had only given her until the stroke of midnight, and then everything would turn back into what it was. While she ran down those stairs at the ball room, she lost her glass slipper on the stairs.

The Prince found the glass slipper, and the very next day scoured the land to find the young lady that it fit. That young lady would be his Princess.

All the ladies within the land tried very hard to fit into that glass slipper, especially her step sisters, but Cinderella was the only one that fit into the slipper. The Prince knew he had found his Princess, and he and Cinderella lived happy ever after.

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our lives that we get the feeling that there are no happy endings or magical moments. You just have to think about each day at a time; I bet you've had a Cinderella day sometime, it's just probably mixed up with some of those Step Mother Days!

Robin, Margee and I went to see this story of Cinderella at the downtown library. It was so amazing to watch the puppets and the puppeteers. They moved the puppets with such ease, and the story flowed through their hands.

I hope you have your own Cinderella Day soon!

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