Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Robin

May wasn't easy this year; it was the first year without my Mom on Mother's Day, and I told myself that I was going to keep busy so I wouldn't think about it. That didn't work; I kept thinking about it. Then that made me think of my older sister, Wendy. Her birthday was May 17. I always mixed up Robin's birthday with Wendy's; that's understandable, they were in the same month. Robin always harassed me about getting those dates wrong; she was always kidding me about something, she told me I was adopted when I was little. Of course, I believed her and cried all the time. I should have known I wasn't adopted; I looked too much like my Daddy, and everyone told me so.

I'm not getting Robin's birthday wrong this year; it's Wednesday, May 11th. She will be the big Five O. Boy is she old! She already has most of her presents, because I'm a sucker and gave them to her early. I do have a few more surprises, though.

I've always been proud of my sisters, and boy did I look up to them. Robin was amazing in beauty pagents, then she became a nurse with a special interest in taking care of the elderly, she quit her job without a second thought to take care of our Mom and Dad while they were ill, she was my rock when I was recouperating from both of my ankle surgeries and when I had a blood clot. Robin has found a full time job at Vanderbilt since our Mom passed away, and is still attending college to pursue her Bachelors Degree in Medical Administration.

Robin in the Miss Edmonson County Pagent in 1978

I hope you have a GREAT Birthday Robin; you so deserve it, and I'll do my best to make that happen. Like you always say: " We are like fine wine, we get better with age!


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