Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mowing - Why?

New Liberty Cemetary was established in 1896; my great grandparents, grand parents, aunts, uncles, and some of my other family are buried in this cemetary.  It's a beautiful old cemetary located within the countryside of New Libery, close to Ashphalt, Kentucky.  There are head stones that are represented by rocks; tangled metal, but there are many foot stones that are missing. 

There is someone who hires the grounds keeper.  One previous grounds keeper decided it would be easier to mow if the foot stones were not there.  So he pulled up all the foot stones; that way he would not have to mow around them.  That way it wouldn't take him as long to mow.

Why would someone do this?  The tree picture above shows all the foot stones that were found that couldn't be identified and returned to the corret grave.  Even some of the head stones fell after the foot stones were removed. 

Needless to say, this grounds keeper was let go.  The community pretty much ran him out of town; he still believes he didn't do anything that would hurt anyone to this day.

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