We had the night of Friday, February 9, 2012 all planned out; Brooke would meet Robin and I after she got off work at 7 p.m. at the Cool Springs Carmike theater to see "The Vow". Robin and I got to the theater early to get seats; thank goodness we did, it was completely sold out. It was opening night! When the movie was about to start, the manager of the theater and a policeman were still trying to find seats for their customers. I think they finally found everyone a seat.
After the movie, we headed to the Cool Springs Target store for the preview of "Breaking Dawn Part II" at 11 p.m. The DVD "Breaking Dawn Part I" would go on sale at midnight. We arrived at 10:30 p.m.; people were already starting to line up, and they were expecting around 200 people. WOW! We got in line, and started talking to some Twilight fans behind us.
While standing in line, an older lady who had drank to much alcohol came up asking why we were standing in line. She started asking why we liked watching these movies; shouldn't we be watching something else, it was just the devil in us making us do these things. One person in line started arguing with her; Robin said you can't reason with a drunk, and she was right. We started to ignore her; she would eventually go away, and a few of the younger fans in line stood close to Robin and I. Brooke had went to get a Target employee so they could have their policeman ask this lady to leave.
The daughter came over to get her Mom, and she gave me this weird look. I wasn't for sure what it meant, but Robin told me later that her daughter had said something where everyone could hear her. It was 11 p.m., and I didn't hear her since I was trying to watch the preview of "Breaking Dawn Part II". This Mom, who had drunk too much, had just lost a daughter to cancer. No this Mom shouldn't have scared the younger fans and harassed the older fans in line, but I'm sure she was hurting. She probably couldn't understand why people were there for something so frivolous. The daughter was able to get the Mom to leave, and the police were not involved. Thank Goodness! I felt so bad for this Mom and Daughter; they had lost a daughter and a sister.
They showed the preview several times; a section at a time were positioned right in front of a wall of plasma TV's, and you were able to be really close when they played a introduction by some of the Twilight actors. They were thanking everyone for coming out at such a late hour to purchase their last movie, "Breaking Dawn Part I". Their thank you to their fans at Target so late was a preview of "Breaking Dawn Part II"; I wished they would have shown us more, but what they showed looked really great!
After the preview, we were wound back around to get back in line where we were when we had originally arrived. It was 11:30 p.m., and we had 30 more minutes before the DVD would be on sale. That was the longest wait of the night; my feet hurt, and I was getting cranky. Finally, the line started moving. Robin and I purchased the deluxe version with the flower prop inside; then it was on to the car. We said good bye to Brooke, then we arrived home at about 1 a.m. Brooke had texted us to let us know she had made it home ok, and then I was off to sleep.
So many emotions within one night/morning: first, "The Vow" was the best movie that I have seen in a long time. You'll laugh, cry and get mad all in one movie. Second, it made me so sad to see that Mom in that state. Last but not least: The excitement of seeing the preview of the upcoming movie "Breaking Dawn Part II" and purchasing "Breaking Dawn Part I" DVD.
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