Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Things that Make me Happy!

I'm trying Abatha's post on items that make my life a little easier and happier; so here it goes, and I have not been reimbursed from any of these companies. It's just my opinions!

1. Chick-fil-A: Multigrain oatmeal with roasted nuts and dried fruit; it is really good, and doesn't make me want to eat all day long. I think some oatmeal has so much sugar in it that I crave carbohydrates all day.

2. Caffeine Free Diet Coke: Pretty much colored water; so, I can count as water in my daily intake. It does have a small amount of taste; just drinking plain water all day gets old.

3. Rest: I'm the kind of person that needs at least 8 hours a night; last night the wind blew so hard that one of my plastic boat chairs decided to fly around my back yard. That made my motion detected light come on, go off, and it shined in my room when it was on. Didn't get 8 hours last night, not a happy girl today!

4. My Diet & Fitness Journal that I purchased out of an ABC catalog: I strive to write down my food intake, exercise, water intake, and how I'm feeling daily. I went to O'Charley's last night; I had the Chicken Italia, which was really good until I saw the nutritional facts. Thank goodness I only ate half of the meal; if I had eaten the whole meal, I would have consumed approximately 2230 milligrams of sodium. I'm so glad that I have "My Diet & Fitness Journal" to encourage me to research my meals, and help me make better/healthier choices.

A co-worker has purchased a Fit Bit tracking device to help him get healthier and lose weight; I have one on order, I'll review once I start using it. It's worked for my friend Bobby and his wife. Wish me luck!

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